Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Kitchen Sanity Savers

I adore cooking! More so, I adore eating! But sometimes I feel like I can't enjoy it because I'm running around like a mad woman trying to get everything to finish up at the same time. If only I could wiggle my nose and have the whole dinner appear out of thin air.

Let me take you back for a moment--*insert Wayne's World dream sound effects here..deedillydoot..deedillydoot*-- We're newlyweds, and it was the first meal I was going to make. Not the Hamburger Helper we would eat most nights because we could get a box for $1 each. But an actual meal with fresh mashed potatoes, chicken and asparagus. My husband parents were visiting and I had no clue how to keep all the dishes warm and set out at the same time. How did my mother do it I wondered? --Flash forward--Needless to say I'm sure half of that meal was cold. But I have gotten 100 times better! Not to say we haven't had our fair share of half cold or half burnt meals since then.

This is one of my all time favorite life(and meal) savers!

The Vidalia Chop Wizard
I love this thing! It's especially great on saving time.
And perfect for making bite sized pieces for
little fingers.

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