Saturday, December 4, 2010

I love love love giveaways!

Especially when there are super cute things to try and win! I know several of the business owners who donated items for this giveaway. And I just want to say they rock and a big thanks!! And an even bigger thanks to Sarah at Confessions of a Sailor's Wife . So head on ever to enter the Awesome Amazing Totally Christmas Giveaway!! And be sure to tell her I sent you!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A couple "keeping little fingers busy" ideas

Now that my baby is over a year old, he just wants to go and go(thus the nickname he's earned of Jo-Jo ma go-go). On sundays we have a 3 hour block of church that includes sacrament service, sunday school, and classes specified for men/women/kids. The 3 hours can definitely be a struggle with my Jojo. I find myself only able to go for about 1.5 hours of meetings, the rest is spent wandering the halls with my little man. But I have found a couple of wonderful things to buy some more time. First up stickers! People in the halls are often pointing out a sticker I have on myself or stuck to Jojo's face. I tend to stick them all over him, the floor, chairs. He loves to sit and pick them off. I usually save it as my last resort, and it'll usually get me another 15-20 minutes at least. One of my all time favorite "toys" for my kids are pipe cleaners! They're super cheap and can be used over and over. Plus it gets their creativity and imaginations working. Well I was so excited to find these my kids absolutely love them! They're called Brain Noodles and they are giant pipe cleaners. We got them for just over $1 a piece, so worth it in my opinion. Here are my kiddos enjoying them

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Cool contest I found to win free groceries for a year

"-Sorry if you missed an email from me about this(or are rereading the same info).- We totally love!! We use it all the time. We even sync up with K's work calendar to it. It makes it so easy to know when we have appointments, and who needs to be where and at what time. It's pretty much my brain sometimes. And they are doing an awesome contest! You can win a free year of groceries! Who doesn't love food? And they're also having daily prizes too, so definelty check it out! I love getting free stuff(they've even given me a code for a free Shutterfly photobook before)!"
Hey, I just entered this contest on to win free groceries for a year. All you have to do is put in your email address.

Even if you don’t enter, please click the link to help me win. (I get an extra entry for telling you.) Thanks!